Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 6 Weekly Written Assignment

Week 6 Weekly Written Assignment

Q 1. Before doing this first writing assignment, view the video Island of Hope, Island of Tears. Unless you are 100% Native American, research your own immigration story.You can make an educated guess about this by finding out approximately when your ancestors migrated. Then find out what was happening in those countries during that period. It might not explain why your particular family came, but it gives you a sense of what their circumstances were like and what they expected America to be like in contrast. Then write about what you found out in your research. Explain the conditions in their native countries that most likely caused them to leave and made America an attractive opportunity. (about one page) 2. Read the story of Naomi (NY Times, April 19, 2014 by Jim Dwyer). How could the principles of the Bishops have helped Noemi? (2 paragraphs) 3. Read the two documents, “USCCB Just Immigration Reform-Principles” and “UMC Call for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.” Where do the two documents agree? Identify one significant difference between the two documents that caught your attention. 4. Open the handout, “Immigration: Reflection Circle for Just Action.” Follow the process and do the action at the end of the reflection process. (a professional-style letter to a member of congress) Instructions for Submission of weekly written assignments: Create responses to the questions in one Word Document. (Do not create one document for each question of the weekly written assignment.) Follow the directions provided at the first item under "Assignment Submission" located at the top of this page. Assignment Due: Friday at 11:59pm

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I think that my immigration story is similar to the immigration shown in the video because my ancestors had immigrated from some European country. Though I had been born in America, my parents had told me that their parents had been immigrants. This implies that it was perhaps in the late 19th century that my ancestors had immigrated into America. The country from which my ancestors had originated had definitely been having financial, economic and other forms of crisis. There could also be health issues like epidemics for which it could have been necessary to leave the European country and come to America.